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Version: 1.0.0

Saving and Loading Projects

As soon as you initialize the Mobile SDK’s editor with a ProductConfiguration, you have basically started a new photo product design process resulting in the creation of a so-called Project, which you can save and load at any time to persist progress and continue the editing process later.

Saving Projects

Users have the possibility to save their projects in the editor to continue creation at a later point in time. This stored version is called a Project and contains information e.g. about the product and its selected options or the title the user has chosen for the project:

public struct Project: Codable {
public let location: ProjectStorageLocation
public let id: Int
public let title: String
public let productId: Int
public let appliedProductOptions: [String:String]
public let lastModifiedDate: Date
public let sizeInBytes: Int
public let expirationDate: Date
public var previewImage: UIImage? = nil

Saving projects is triggered and handled in the editor itself, so there are no additional steps you need to take for this functionality.

Listing Projects

Projects can be stored either on the user’s device or in the cloud (infrastructure hosted by ip.labs), which also enables editing of the project on other platforms (e.g. in the web).

Listing local projects can be done via retrieveLocalProjects.

let result = await IplabsMobileSdk.shared.retrieveLocalProjects()

switch result {
case .success(let projectList):
// display list of user’s projects
case .failure(let error):
// communicate error to the user

To get a list of cloud projects, you need to call the retrieveCloudProjects method with a valid WipeSSO session ID for an authenticated user. We provide overloads with a completionHandler or async / await.

let result = await IplabsMobileSdk.shared.retrieveCloudProjects(sessionId: sessionId)

switch result {
case .success(let projectList):
// display list of user’s projects
case .failure(let error):
// communicate error to the user

If a call of either retrieveLocalProjects or retrieveCloudProjects was successful, you get a list of Project instances. You can now use this information to display the user’s locally / remotely saved projects in your UI.

Loading a Project

Loading a previously stored project is achieved by initializing a new editor with this Project instance instead of a ProductConfiguration. See the Quickstart Guide on how to include an EditorView in your app and use this variant of the initialization call instead of the one described there:

let editorViewController = IplabsMobileSdk.shared.initializeEditor(
project: yourProject,
sessionId: yourSessionId

Renaming a Project

You can give your users the opportunity to change the title of their saved projects. To achieve this, use the renameLocalProject or renameCloudProject methods respectively, depending on the saved project’s location. You have to provide the orginal project and its new title and for cloud projects a valid session ID for the owner as well:

let localProjectRenamingResult = await renameLocalProject(
project: project,
newTitle: newTitle

let cloudProjectRenamingResult = await renameCloudProject(
project: project,
newTitle: newTitle,
sessionId: yourSessionId

Removing a Project

Finally, you can also remove saved projects in case your users no longer need them. For that please use the removeLocalProject and removeCloudProject methods respetively, depending on the saved project’s location. They require the original project and again a valid session ID for the owner as arguments:

let localProjectRemovalResult = await deleteLocalProject(
project: yourLocalProject

let cloudProjectRemovalResult = await deleteCloudProject(
project: yourCloudProject,
sessionId: yourSessionId